Saturday, July 1, 2017

Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran

Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran

On July 1, the Iranian opposition will be holding its annual rally to give voice to the Iranian people and their popular resistance movement and to reiterate the call for regime change in Iran. This is, of course, a message reflecting the true desire of the Iranian people and is widely endorsed by policymakers around the world, as evidenced by the hundreds of dignitaries who will attend the event.
The “Free Iran” rally has significant implications for the policies being advanced around the world by persons with a clear understanding of the danger the Iranian regime poses to global security and the stability of the Middle East. This is especially important in the current historical moment, when assertive policies regarding the clerical regime in Iran are returning to the mainstream the world over.
The gathering, with the National Council of Resistance of Iran at its center, takes place at the Villepinte Exhibition Center outside of Paris, and brings together critics of the totalitarian theocracy, including those whom the regime has brutally suppressed in the past 38 years.
The NCRI represents the Iranian people who have been killed by the regime during that time, including 120,000 who were executed or assassinated simply for affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), which is now the largest constituent group in the NCRI coalition.

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