حملة واسعة في إيران لإسقاط نظام الملالي
انتشار لافتات في مختلف المدن الإيرانية تنادي بسقوط النظام دبي - "الرياض" مع اقتراب موعد المؤتمر السنوي العام للمقاومة الإيرانية في باريس، شهدت مناطق مختلفة في طهران وكبريات المدن من أمثال مشهد وأصفهان وشيراز وكرج وتبريز والأهواز وعشرات المدن نشاطات لكتابة شعارات، وإلصاق صور وتوزيع منشورات وكتيّبات قام بها أنصار المقاومة ومجاهدي خلق دعماً لهذا المؤتمر. وقالت أمانة المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية في باريس: إنه تمّ توزيع صور قائد المقاومة الإيرانية السيد مسعود رجوي ورئيسة الجمهورية المنتخبة من قبل المقاومة الإيرانية السيدة مريم رجوي ومشروعها لإيران الغد ذات عشرة بنود خلال هذه الحملة على نطاق واسع. وأضافت: أن الحملة الواسعة للشباب وأنصار مجاهدي خلق والمقاومة الإيرانية لدعم المؤتمر في الأول من يوليو في باريس، بدأت منذ أسابيع، وأخذت أبعاداً أوسع في الأيام الأخيرة. وفيما يلي بعض من الشعارات واللافتات المنصوبة على نطاق واسع في مختلف المدن: (الموت لخامنئي وتحيى رجوي، الموت لمبدأ ولاية الفقيه ويحيا جيش التحرير الوطني، نعود من جديد مع جيش التحرير، لا للإعدام، التحية لمنظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية محط الفخر والاعتزاز، خيارنا مريم رجوي، الحرية والمساواة مع مريم رجوي، المساواة لجميع الطوائف وأتباع الديانات مع مريم رجوي). وأردفت أمانة المجلس: أن هذه النشاطات التي هي استمرار للحملة الواسعة للمقاومة في مقاطعة مسرحية الانتخابات الرئاسية لنظام الملالي، تؤكد حقيقة: أنه لا شرعية لنظام الملالي ولا لأيّ من أجنحته، وأن المؤتمر السنوي العام في الأول من يوليو، يعكس طموحات وآمال الشعب الإيراني.
Friday, June 30, 2017
Europe should not be deceived by Iran’s bid for sympathy
Europe should not be deceived by Iran’s bid for sympathy
Former European Parliament Vice-President Alejo Vidal-Quadras warns that the West must be vigilant not to fall for Iranian state propaganda depicting the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism as an ally in the War on Terror.
Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a Spanish professor of atomic and nuclear physics, was vice-president of the European Parliament from 1999 to 2014. He is currently president of the Brussels-based International Committee in Search of Justice (ISJ).
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards recently announced that it fired mid-range missiles from western Iran into the Deir-es-Zour region of eastern Syria, ostensibly to assist Syrian dictator Bashar Assad in his “war against terrorists”.
Even before the missile strike, the Iranian authorities attempted to capitalise on a 7 June terrorist attack by ISIS on the Iranian parliament building and the mausoleum of Islamic Republic founder Ruhollah Khomeini to portray themselves as an opponent and target of global terrorism, rather than a supporter and perpetrator. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Messages of Solidarity for a Free Iran From Brave MEK Prisoners
Messages of Solidarity for a Free Iran From Brave MEK Prisoners
London, 30 Jun - Political prisoners have always embodied the aspirations and desires of their nations under the yoke of dictatorships. In Iran, too, political prisoners put their lives on the line to express what many people do not dare to express.
As the Iranian opposition is about to hold its greatest gathering ever in Villepinte, Paris, on Saturday, July 1, political prisoners have sent their messages of solidarity and support for the MEK and the Iranian opposition from inside their prisons.
One such prisoner is Mr. Ali Moezzi, 66. He was also a political prisoner in young age, in the 1980s for supporting the MEK. Now, his two daughters are with the MEK, and he has been imprisoned on and off several times since they joined the MEK in Ashraf.
In his message, he wrote, “This gathering echoes the cries of all the enchained people of Iran. It echoes the voice of the deprived, the toiling porters in Kurdistan, the voice of the Sunnis, our Baluchi compatriots, and everyone else. It manifests the pride of Iran and Iranians, it is the symbol of their organized resistance, the democratic alternative and the flag they have hoisted for resistance at any cost to achieve freedom.
Maryam Rajavi and Rudy Giuliani Meet at the NCRI Headquarters in France
Maryam Rajavi and Rudy Giuliani Meet at the NCRI Headquarters in France
Giuliani: The Iranian resistance is a viable alternative to the cleric regime
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), met Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Friday, June 30, at the NCRI headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise, northwest of Paris.
Mayor Giuliani pointed to the Iranian regime’s malign activities in the region, stressing that the mullahs are the source instability and crisis in the region, and have kept their grip on power in the past 38 years through widespread repression and blatant disregard for human rights at home and the export of extremism and terrorism abroad.
Mayor Giuliani pointed to the Iranian regime’s malign activities in the region, stressing that the mullahs are the source instability and crisis in the region, and have kept their grip on power in the past 38 years through widespread repression and blatant disregard for human rights at home and the export of extremism and terrorism abroad.
The former New York City Mayor emphasized that the Iranian regime has been the most active state sponsor of terrorism and Islamic extremism in the past three decades, and that Hassan Rouhani has been a key player in pursuing the regime’s ominous objectives, including in the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. He said despite all the concessions unduly provided to the Tehran, the clerical regime is at a complete impasse and is extremely vulnerable in view of the economic crisis, domestic isolation and a growing power struggle.
Dissident Provides Harrowing Account Of Iran's Prisons
Dissident Provides Harrowing Account Of Iran's Prisons
The Middle East has been topping headlines recently as ISIS is being defeated in both Iraq and Syria, and Iran is playing a significantly destructive role in both campaigns and across the region.
All the while, the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) is gearing up for its massive annual convention in Paris. The July 1strally will be the stage of hundreds of prominent figures from four corners of the globe and most likely over 100,000 members of the Iranian Diaspora expressing support for the NCRI President Maryam Rajavi’s and her ten-point-plan platform for a future Iran without the mullahs.
I had a chance recently to sit down and talk with Shabnam Madadzadeh, a young Iranian woman and former political prisoner who just recently was able to exit Iran. She has written articles and delivered remarks in different events shedding light on Iran’s dungeons atrocious conditions.
'Free Iran' Activists Report Hundreds of Acts of Defiance Inside the Country
'Free Iran' Activists Report Hundreds of Acts of Defiance Inside the Country
By Patrick Goodenough | June 29, 2017 | 4:15 AM EDT

Images of NCRI leader Maryam Rajavi have been posted in cities and towns across the country, according to the exiled opposition group. (Screengrab: NCRI)
(CNSNews.com) – Ahead of a large annual “Free Iran” gathering in Paris on Saturday, the exiled Iranian opposition movement says hundreds of incidents of risky expressions of support have been taking place inside Iran – from distribution of pamphlets to the appearance of posters and graffiti.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)/People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (MEK) says hundreds of videos and photos of the incidents have been taken in dozens of towns and cities, and compiled a sample in a video clip.
Photos of NCRI leaders Maryam and Massoud Rajavi feature prominently, along with slogans which the NCRI translated as saying, among other things, “My vote regime change, down with Khamenei, our choice Maryam Rajavi.”
MEK Supporters Are Defying the Iranian Regime
MEK Supporters Are Defying the Iranian Regime
Iran Focus
London, 29 Jun - The Iranian Resistance (MEK) have reported hundreds of acts of defiance within the country, ahead of the Free Iran gathering in Paris, on July 1.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)/People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (MEK) report that hundreds of MEK supporters in Iran are risking their livings and their freedom in order to show their support for the MEK; from distributing pro-MEK leaflets to sticking up posters to acts of graffiti on Regime property/propaganda.
The acts, documented with video footage or photos, have been compiled into a video clip to be easily shared.
The posters show NCRI leaders Maryam and Massoud Rajavi with slogans like: “My vote regime change, down with Khamenei, our choice Maryam Rajavi.”
Thursday, June 29, 2017
By INU Staff
INU - On June 17, 14 years ago, the French anti-terror police raided offices of the Iranian main opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its principle member, the Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK, near Paris. Hundreds were arrested and building were torn down.
The expressed explanation for the drastic measure was “terrorism”. It turned out, they found nothing but a group of unarmed exiles and political refugees whom their only crime was trying to expose a tyrannical theocratic regime that ruled their country for decades.
It was further revealed that the then government of France had entered a shameful deal with the terrorist regime ruling Iran to raid the offices of its democratic opposition in return for more trade contracts.
The MEK was ultimately cleared of all charges, with the investigating judge reaching the conclusion that MEK has been engaged in a legitimate struggle against repression.
The MEK was ultimately cleared of all charges, with the investigating judge reaching the conclusion that MEK has been engaged in a legitimate struggle against repression.
The MEK was vindicated but left an eternal shame for those who were engaged in sacrificing France’s reputation as the cradle for human rights for a few commercial deals with a terrorist regime.
Should IRGC Go on the Terror List?
Should IRGC Go on the Terror List?
London, 27 Jun - When the Iranian Regime launched its failed missile attacks on ISIS militants in Deir ez-Zour, Syria, supposedly in retaliation for the recent terror attacks in Tehran, but failed to notify the US-backed troops who were fighting ISIS on the ground, it sent a message.
Iran doesn’t want to destroy terrorist organisations, indeed they back quite a few; they just want control of the Middle East.
Ramazan Sharif, a general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) confirmed as much when he spoke to the Regime-affiliated news media.
He said: “The Saudis and Americans are especially receivers of this message. Obviously and clearly, some reactionary countries of the region, especially Saudi Arabia, had announced that they are trying to bring insecurity into Iran.”
The Iranian Regime is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world and its military is ‘armed to the teeth’, but it may be Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s private army, the IRGC, that poses the greatest threat to the rest of the world.
The IRGC, who answer to no one but Khamenei, has been at the heart of the most destructive campaigns by the Iranian Regime.
Zachary Keck, the former managing editor of The National Interest, wrote a piece on the Iranian Regime and its military arsenal in which he determined that the IRCG pose a credible threat to US security.
They run the illicit nuclear weapons programme, the ballistic missiles programme, and the terror training camps; all things that the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has warned the international community about so far in 2017.
المعارضة: نظام إيران الرابح الوحيد من مخطط استهداف مكة
المعارضة: نظام إيران الرابح الوحيد من مخطط استهداف مكة
دان "المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الإيرانية" المعارض، #المخطط_الإرهابي الذي أحبطته #السعودية لاستهداف#مكة_المكرمة والمسجد الحرام، مؤكدا أنّ الطرف الرابح الوحيد منه هو #النظام_الإيراني.
ورحب المجلس في بيان بإحباط هذا المخطط الذي وصفه بالإجرامي، وشدد على أن "من يقف وراء هذه الخطط اللا إنسانية واللا إسلامية من آمرين ومنفذين هم ألد أعداء الإسلام والمسلمين وأن روح الإسلام والإنسانية بريء منهم".
وقالت المعارضة الايرانية إن "الطرف الوحيد الذي يربح من هذه الخطة النكراء التي تثير الاشمئزاز لدى جميع المسلمين في العالم، هو النظام الفاشي الديني الحاكم في #إيران الذي يريد أن يسوق المنطقة برمتها إلى مستنقع الحروب والأزمات".
وبحسب البيان: "لم يتورع هذا النظام عن ارتكاب أية جريمة وهتك حرمة بحق مكة المكرمة وبيت الله الحرام في أوقات سابقة. فإرسال المتفجرات في العام 1986 إلى المملكة العربية السعودية وإثارة أعمال الشغب في مكة المكرمة في العام 1987 حيث أودت بحياة أكثر من 400 زائر لبيت الله الحرام هو من عداد هذه الأعمال النكراء".
كما أشار البيان إلى أن "النظام الإيراني لم يتردد إطلاقاً في تفجير مراقد الأئمة الشيعة في مدينتي مشهد وسامراء لحفظ سلطته المشؤومة".
البديل الديمقراطي للنظام الإيراني .. بقلم / عبدالرحمن مهابادي
البديل الديمقراطي للنظام الإيراني .. بقلم / عبدالرحمن مهابادي
في مستهل المقال نستفيد من تجربة رائعه من القديم: بعد تولي الخميني السلطة في عام1979 والذي لم يكن لديه هدف إلا فرض حكم دكتاتوري ديني على رقاب الشعب الإيراني، وقبل إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في يوم 25/كانون الثاني -يناير1980شهد المجتمع الإيراني ظهور جبهتين سياسيتين. الجبهة الحاكمة والجبهة المعارضة. ولكل جبهة جمهورها ، الجبهة الحاكمة تضم الملالي وشريحة من المجتمع حيث لا علم لهم من الإسلام المتطرف والملالي الذين كانوا يروجونه حسب رأيهم والجبهة الأخرى تتشكل من القوى المثقفة والديمقراطية التحررية والثورية والأقليات القومية والدينية التي كانت تتلقى تهديدات الخميني ونظامه التي كانت قد بدأت ضدهم منذ فترة.
هذا وفي أول دورة من الانتخابات الرئاسية التفت جميع الفئات المعارضة وبغض النظر عن الفروق والاختلافات في الرأي، حول السيد مسعود رجوي ، أمين عام منظمة مجاهدي خلق الإيرانية آنذاك ليقفوا بوجه ظاهرة تحولت لاحقاً إلى التهديد الرئيس للمنطقة برمتها والعالم. كان خميني آنذاك جالسا على أريكة السلطة الطائلة التي كان قد صادرها ، فاستشعر خميني بالتهديد من جبهة المثقفين بدرجة حيث ورغم وعوده السابقة قبل تسلمه السلطة بعدم التدخل في الانتخابات و...،لكن وفور الشعور بالخطر من فوز السيد مسعود رجوي.. أصدر أمرا باسقاطه بشتى المبررات الجوفاء وبهذا أرسى حجر الأساس مائلا منذ البداية لتأسيس نظامه الدكتاتوري الديني في إيران كما تشكل اتحاد في الجبهة المعارضة رغم اقصاء مرشحها الوحيد، وتم تسجيل انتصار كبير ضد الملالي في ذاكرة التاريخ .. ومضت أيام بعدهذا على الجبهة المعارضة حيث شهدت خطوباتها وصعوبات
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Free Iran Rally & the Role of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK)
Free Iran Rally & the Role of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK)
A major gathering is being held at the Villepinte Exhibition Center outside of Paris, France. The gathering is focused on Iran policy and at the center of the case is the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. The People’s Mojahedin is also known by its Persian name, Mojahedin-e Khalq or MEK and it is the main constituent group in the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the leading coalition advocating for the cause of regime change driven by the Iranian people and their expatriate allies.
The Free Iran rally has been growing every year. The 2017 gathering is expected to keep pace with the previous few years, with upwards of 100,000 supporters of the MEK traveling to France from throughout the world. Naturally, the participants will mostly represent Iranian expatriate communities, but each year’s event also draws hundreds of politicians and foreign policy experts who recognize the global value of the MEK and the 10-point plan that NCRI President Maryam Rajavi has laid out for the future of Iran.
A Long Conflict between the Clerical Regime and the MEK
The origins of the MEK date back to before the 1979 Iranian Revolution., the MEK helped to overthrow the dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahlavi, but it quickly became a bitter enemy of the emerging the religious fascism under the pretext of Islamic Republic. To this day, the MEK and NCRI describe Ruhollah Khomenei and his associates as having co-opted a popular revolution in order to empower themselves while imposing a fundamentalist view of Islam onto the people of Iran.
Iran's Desperate Deed Against, Increasing Popularity of MEK
Iran's Desperate Deed Against, Increasing Popularity of MEK
London, 27 Jun - What happened 29 years ago in Iran, and why after all these years, we are witnessing a crisis and a rising conflict among rival factions in the ruling class over that in Iran?
Throughout the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the bulk of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. This year marks the 29th anniversary of that horrible Crime Against Humanity.
Last summer, an audio tape was revealed by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. On August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and thereon Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a gathering of members of the “Death Committee” that they're winding up a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on august 15, 1988. Wrote M. Hakamian in INU on June 24, 2017 and the following are excerpts of the article.
The tape sent shockwaves through Iran, as it adds new knowledge of the breadth and scope of the massacre and confirms that it involved the highest levels of leadership. For more than two decades silence has been imposed in regards to the massacre because, you see, Iranian leaders who held positions of power at that time, members of the notorious Death Commission, are still in leadership positions today.
They have never faced justice for committing this horrific crime against humanity.
Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran
Growing understanding of the viability of regime change in Iran
On July 1, the Iranian opposition will be holding its annual rally to give voice to the Iranian people and their popular resistance movement and to reiterate the call for regime change in Iran. This is, of course, a message reflecting the true desire of the Iranian people and is widely endorsed by policymakers around the world, as evidenced by the hundreds of dignitaries who will attend the event.
The “Free Iran” rally has significant implications for the policies being advanced around the world by persons with a clear understanding of the danger the Iranian regime poses to global security and the stability of the Middle East. This is especially important in the current historical moment, when assertive policies regarding the clerical regime in Iran are returning to the mainstream the world over.
MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence
MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence
For the Iranian regime, staying power means oppressing all voices that challenge their rule, particularly the human rights abuses and strict laws on everything from who you can socialize with to how you dress in public. Yet, one group has been the main focus of the regime’s efforts to suppress and undermine their voice in support of a free Iran. That group is the MEK.
When the MEK was removed from the U.S. list of terrorist groups, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijni said during his speech on June 23, “Now it’s you (the United States) who are sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful…Today, the Americans removed the MEK from their list of terrorist groups.”
News agencies, including the Fars agency under the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have revealed the concerns of the regime over what they see as a dangerous turn of events, now that Camp Liberty’s residents have been relocated to Europe. On June 20, Fars reported that the move was a reminder of (MEK’s) declaring war against the regime.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
By INU Staff
INU - Over 100,000 dignitaries, politicians and activists will gather in Paris this Saturday to support the Iranian people and their call for regime change in Iran at the Free Iran rally.
The annual rally, organised by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), has attracted supporters of the Resistance from around the world, as far afield as Saudi royalty, US lawmakers, and European national security experts.
The MEK is the biggest member group within the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of Resistance groups, which together serve as a government in exile in France.
MEK Beginnings
The MEK can be traced back over 40 years, before the fall of the Iranian Shah in 1979. They helped to overthrow Shah Reza Pahlavi’s in the hopes of establishing a democratic government who would rule on behalf of the Iranian people, however, this was not to be.
Ruhollah Khomenei and his supporters co-opted the popular revolution in order to further subjugate the people of Iran. They took over and established a theocracy, which imposes a fundamentalist reading of Islam onto the people, rather than a democracy that was needed.
Gearing up for a Free Iran
Gearing up for a Free Iran
Every year in June, tens of thousands travel from across the world, descending on Paris for an annual convention hosted by The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The gathering, known as ‘Kahkeshan’ by its attendees, brings together a galaxy[1] formed by a diaspora of devoted human rights and democracy activists, hundreds of global dignitaries – ranging from Members of Parliament and Congressional Representatives, to various leaders throughout the European Union and across the Arab world – as well as, most notably, the largest opposition to the theocracy in Iran, the NCRI, together with their president-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.
While each year’s program takes on a unique shape, the central focus and message remains the same: issuing a clarion call for democratic regime change in what is presently the Iranian regime.
Monday, June 26, 2017
ANALYSIS: Is Iran plunging the Middle East into another war?
By Heshmat Alavi, Special to Al Arabiya English Monday, 26 June 2017
ANALYSIS: Is Iran plunging the Middle East into another war?
The days of ISIS are numbered and voices are heard about the entire region being forced into a far more disastrous conflict. Various parties, mainly the US and Iran, have begun jostling, seeking to inject their influence onto what the future holds for Syria.
As Iran has also wreaked havoc in Iraq and Yemen, concerns are rallying on Tehran going the distance to pull the US full-scale into the Syria inferno. Such a mentality results from misunderstanding the nature of what is known as the Iranian regime.
Escalating tensions
After establishing a foothold in the strategic town of al-Tanf near the Iraq-Jordan-Syria border, US forces designated a buffer zone to provide protection for their own troops and resources, alongside their allies of anti-Assad opposition rebels.
1) On three different incidents Iran-backed militias have made advances into the buffer zone, only to receive warnings and eventually be attacked by US warplanes.
Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism
Ivan Sascha Sheehan
Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism
despite the criticism directed at the Trump White House, the administration is to be commended for important changes in U.S. policy toward Iran since taking office.
The Trump administration has made great strides in shifting from the conciliatory gestures of the Obama years to a much firmer stance that acknowledges American intolerance for violent extremism, human rights violations and the support of terrorism. Leading administration figures have repeatedly taken to the airwaves to broadcast this message and carried it with them on official trips abroad. Today the messaging is resonating with officials from both parties and in elite policy circles.
The time has never been better for the White House to focus on Iran’s support of terrorism.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Iranian Resistance President Advocates Expelling Extremists
Iranian Resistance President Advocates Expelling Extremists
London, 6 Jun - The leader of the Iranian Resistance, Maryam Rajavi, advocated for the expulsion of the Iranian Regime and their terror squad, the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) from the Middle East in order to achieve peace and stability.
Rajavi made this speech at the Interfaith Solidarity against Extremism gathering on Saturday, June 3, at the central office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-Sur-Oise, which was attended by prominent figures from around the Middle East, including Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Jordan, and Algeria.
She expressed her sorrow at the horrors that plague those affected by the Fundamentalist Regime in Iran, whether they be the Iranian people themselves, the people whose countries they invaded or the people affected by the terrorist acts around the globe that are done by or for the Regime.
U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988
U.S. Congress Sponsors Resolution Seeking Justice for MEK Members Massacred by Iran Regime in 1988
London, 22 Jun - Forty-Six US Congressmen and women have sponsored a resolution which calls on the US Government and its allies across the world to publically condemn the 1988 massacre of Iranian political prisoners and calls on the UN to launch an investigation into this crime against humanity.
Unlike much in Congress nowadays, Resolution 188 (officially titled: The condemnation of the Iranian government for the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and the invitation to call for justice for the victims) receives wide bipartisan support.
The main victims of the massacre were members of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), an anti-fundamentalist group who espoused equal rights, a secular government and a ban on the death penalty, whom the Regime wanted to exterminate because the opposition was becoming too strong.
Written by Mahmoud Hakamian
Written by Mahmoud Hakamian
During the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the majority of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. The year is the 29th anniversary of the 1988 massacre.
Last summer, an audio tape was published by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and on it Khomeini’s former heir can be heard telling a meeting of members of the “Death Committee” that they are carrying out a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on August 15, 1988.
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Analysis by PMOI/MEK June 22, 2018 - Following the ongoing Dec/Jan protests aimed at bringing freedom for Iran’s suffering people...