Monday, October 30, 2017

Iran: Labor activist says Tehran Prosecutor is lying about Shahabi’s charges

Following new charges brought against detained labor activist Reza Shahabi by the Tehran Prosecutor including “contacting and obtaining money from dissident groups”, a labor activist from the Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company Worker’s Syndicate, said that such charges had not been raised even during the interrogation phase.
“The Tehran Prosecutor is lying as a pretext for the judiciary’s illegal measures”, he said.
This worker activist said the Prosecutor’s goal was to use these charges as an excuse to illegally keep Reza Shahabi in prison.
“Shahabi was a bus driver before his arrest and after his release, he opened a family grocery store with his wife. This is their only source of income. Sometimes Syndicate members may help those who have family in prison but having contacts with other groups and receiving money is an absolute lie”, the labor activist added.

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