Saturday, July 1, 2017

Iranian opposition upbeat as Trump Administration talks of regime change

Iranian opposition upbeat as Trump Administration talks of regime change

As thousands of supporters of the largest Iranian opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, gathered outside Paris today, there is new confidence that pressure on the Iranian regime could finally lead to change.
Recent reports say the Trump administration is potentially considering seeking a strategy to try to topple the regime, and last week the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, put Iran on notice during a speech at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Iran.
“Iran's destructive and destabilizing role in the Middle East goes far beyond its illicit missile launches. From Syria to Yemen and Iraq to Lebanon, Iran's support for terrorism continues unabated,” she said.
“The continuance of the Iranian regime's destructive destabilizing behavior will prevent it from ever having a normal relationship with the United States and rest of the world, and the regime's continual oppression of its own people speaks volumes of its true nature,” Ambassador Haley said.
The new tougher stance from the administration is a welcome move for the leader of the opposition group, Maryam Rajavi.
“The United States and the international community must respect the desire of the Iranian people for regime change and recognize this right,” she told Fox News in an exclusive interview from her group’s headquarters outside of Paris.

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