Saturday, June 24, 2017

Rouhani's Presidency Could Be the End of the Iran Regime

Rouhani's Presidency Could Be the End of the Iran Regime

London, 23 Jun - Reports of the divide between the regime factions, which is based only on a struggle for power and not the moderates v hardliners myth that is so often cited, mean that Hassan Rouhani’s “election” may well spell the end of the Iranian Regime.
When incumbent President Rouhani was announced as the winner in the recent Iranian “elections”, it caused quite a stir around the world.
Ali Safavi, a member of Iran's Parliament in Exile and the National Council of Resistance of Iran, wrote an op-ed for the Raddington Report on why Rouhani’s presidency will not save the crumbling mullah’s regime but only hasten its downfall.
He wrote: “Usually, the hope is that after an election a country can move forward, the new leader’s agenda bolstered by a popular mandate. That is not the case with Iran. Hassan Rouhani’s second term as president was far from a win for Iran’s economy, Iran’s international standing, and certainly not for Iran’s people.”

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