Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Gearing up for a Free Iran

Gearing up for a Free Iran

Every year in June, tens of thousands travel from across the world, descending on Paris for an annual convention hosted by The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The gathering, known as ‘Kahkeshan’ by its attendees, brings together a galaxy[1] formed by a diaspora of devoted human rights and democracy activists, hundreds of global dignitaries – ranging from Members of Parliament and Congressional Representatives, to various leaders throughout the European Union and across the Arab world – as well as, most notably, the largest opposition to the theocracy in Iran, the NCRI, together with their president-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.
While each year’s program takes on a unique shape, the central focus and message remains the same: issuing a clarion call for democratic regime change in what is presently the Iranian regime.

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